
Finding Confidence


finding confidence picture

Tania Harris is a member of www.creativesarise.com and this is her journey! You can connect with her at www.taniaharrisart.com


Are you confident as an artist? My name is Tania Harris, I’m an artist and I often struggle with feeling like I’m not good enough or don’t have anything valuable to offer. Although I may seem confident when speaking or painting during live worship, the truth is that I’ve always struggled with being confident in what I have to say or share. I admit too feeling anxious and sweating profusely every time I’m asked to share about my art or personal experiences.

Struggling with Confidence:

Growing up, I always second-guessed myself and doubted whether what I thought or said mattered. I felt that my thoughts were small and unimportant. However, in the last five years, God has been prodding me that what He has been developing inside me is treasure. He’s reminded me that I possess something unique and valuable to others, more than I even imagined.

Believing in Myself:

Although it’s not always easy, I’m learning to believe in myself and the gifts that God has given me. I’m realising that I don’t have to be perfect and that what I have to offer is valuable. I just need to have faith and trust that God is guiding me in the right direction.

Overcoming Fear:

I’ve learned that even the great people of faith in the Bible faced fear and uncertainty. Moses had many conversations with God before delivering the Israelites from Pharaoh. Abraham faced much anguish and uncertainty, and the disciples repeatedly questioned and failed Jesus. However, they kept getting back up and looking to Jesus for the next step, for forgiveness, reassurance, and help.

Stepping Outside of My Comfort Zone:

I recently experienced the importance of stepping outside of my comfort zone and obeying God’s prompting. During live worship, I saw a picture of an ocean with three doors, each door open with possibilities but not all fitting the person searching. The Holy Spirit directed me to print off a photo of a door and bring it to church to use as a reference to paint on Sunday morning. Although I was anxious and overwhelmed, I obeyed God’s prompting and stepped outside of my comfort zone.

Finding Peace and Joy:

As I painted, I felt peace and joy in what I was doing, and several people responded positively to my painting. I realised that stepping outside of my comfort zone and obeying God’s prompting helped me to walk in confidence in my art abilities.


In conclusion, although I’m not as confident as I will be one day, I know that God is always faithful, ready to meet me wherever I am, cheering me on towards being the woman He created me to be. I’m learning that I don’t have to have it all together or even know what I’m doing. I just have to be obedient to Him, relying on Him to strengthen, calm, renew, and guide me through life.

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