
For Christian believers everywhere who want to eradicate toxic religious behaviour and thinking and live in the freedom of God's amazing and liberating grace

 Get God's Grace Working in Your Life!

With the FREE 21 Day
God's Grace Works Course

Each day for 21 days we email you a teaching video that will get grace working in your life and get you applying the important foundational truths you learn. Be prepared to be challenged and transformed!

Starts on Monday 7th August
Register NOW for FREE


Calling all Christian Creatives 🎨 and anyone else with similar problems!

Ever find yourself running in circles, always hoping for the next big thing to solve your struggles? We understand. The life of an artist or creative, especially when trying to earn a living from it, can often feel like a constant uphill battle.

Want a Breakthrough?

For many creatives, the moment of breakthrough and flow seems perpetually out of reach. Being a Christian can sometimes compound these feelings, as our deep faith can set high expectations that, when unmet, lead to disappointment or even bitterness. The scripture rings true: "Hope deferred makes the heart sick."

Yet, in my candid conversations with God, I've found some comfort and wisdom. He revealed to me a simple truth - it's all about His grace!

If you're not experiencing the same vibrancy and life in your everyday struggles that you do in your creative pursuits, it's likely you're not fully accepting His grace in those challenging areas.

It's God's Fault

The issue is not with the supply; just as you wouldn't blame the power company first when your light doesn't come on, there are no power cuts in God's kingdom!

Grace is more than just unmerited favour - it's not simply God doing everything regardless of our actions. Grace is the jet fuel, the supply, the energy source. Your role is to exhibit faith, and faith is far from passive. Faith without works is dead - without action, nothing can happen!

What's this Course About? 🔎

The course started life as a chapter of my book "God's Grace Work's' every day. So, whether you're feeling sick, depressed, or angry, start by believing that He has provided us with everything we need for life and godliness. Believe this truth and start taking those small, yet significant steps of faith together. Essentially that's why we are running this course!

Who Are We?

Hello! We are Paul and Fran Noble and we live in the UK. I ( Paul) really know how you feel and believe I have some practical answers that can help.

As the bible says: "my people perish through lack of knowledge".  So, if it's not working then probably you need to change what you are believing and doing. If you are seriously prepared to do that then this course could be for you!

Paul and Fran run a ladies gym in the UK and Paul is a composer. They both lead a ministry for christian creatives called www.creativesarise.com. Paul has written 5 books on Grace subjects!

Give us 21 Days!

Most people need at least 21 days to break a habit and establish a new one. I know because I own a gym! So, to build up those grace muscles, I have created a FREE 21 day Email Video course that I believe will help you establish some new grace based thinking that will help you identify and detox from toxic religious beliefs. It really is true that the truth will set you free!

How does it work? Each day I will send you short video by email where we will unpack all the major foundational truths that I believe are critical and key to getting grace working in your life. These are the truths that I personally have found to be key in getting grace working in my life.

Additionally, and importantly there are practical actions after you have watched each video for you to apply and work out those truths. 

What do You get on the FREE course?

Every day for 21 days you will receive an email with a 20 minute video and accompanying action points
 to get grace working in your life.

I want to Register for the
FREE E Mail Video Course
fill in the form below:

Your Name*
Email Address*
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